In order to continue investing in the maximum quality of their wines, CVNE decided to expand their facilities with new spaces for production and storage. They conceived the idea in 2009 and trusted ÁBATON also to participate in the image as a whole. All this translates, at the moment, into more than 16,000 m² of built area and a volume of approximately 127,500 m³.
A skin that gives continuity
Simple geometries typical of industrial buildings are key, but the language that embodies them is different, absolutely original and innovating.
It is a skin that gives continuity to walls and roofs.
The industrial buildings are literally covered by a coat that helps to regulate temperatures, which is essential in the wine production process and gives the whole building a neutral, model-like appearance. This eliminates all gestures, overhangs, cornices, drainpipes, in order to generate a continuous construction that could be integrated into the existing complex.
In order to connect the white warehouses, between themselves and with the existing buildings, ÁBATON used filters, in other words, built spaces that connect the different pieces and include the facilities, corridors, storage, services, loading docks, offices, etc. The filters get different materials, metallic and shiny between the buildings, and matt concrete in contact with the existing buildings.
In addition, two copies of the famous APH80 Portable Home were installed. These buildings are elements of control, of access in one case and of wine quality during the harvest, in the other. As for the phases, between 2009 and 2016 the expansion of the production (7,500 m²) and wine storage (4,000m²) warehouses was considered. From 2006 to 2019, a final product warehouse (1,100 m²), a service area, loading dock and offices (1,100 m²) and the recovery of the historical building, Pieles” (300 m²), were built”.
Team: Camino Alonso, Carlos Alonso, Ignacio Lechón, David Hiniesto, Marta Hombrados
Photography: Juan Baraja